
For Students and Teachers

Stories help kids grow emotionality and develop communication

  • Organic Storytelling (Developed by Dr. Gail Herman). In this workshop we will use Dr. Herman's Organic Storytelling to have the kids help build a story and learn about the structure of a story.
  • Full Day, Half Day, or Mini Workshops- movement, voice, puppet, props, emotional understanding, into to storytelling, and more.
  • Week long- develop skills to preform a Fairytale Theater Story together
  • Month or longer - students will work on there own performance and develop skills to tell in front of an audience.
  • Add the element of Storytelling to teaching. Science, Math , History, Art, etc.
  • Teacher workshops - How to use storytelling in the classroom

I am willing to work with you to develop a program that fits the needs of your students.

For Adults

Storytelling is for all ages - want to tell personal, sor scary, perhaps you want to tell to children.

  • Further develop your skills as a performer -movement, voice, puppet, props, into to storytelling, and more.
  • Develop your own story.
  • Workshops/Coaching can be done in person or on zoom

Start your storytelling journey free with these resources

The world needs more storytellers. Each teller is unique and I cannot tell your story. Here are some resources to start you on your journey of the tradition of Oral Storytelling.

Storytelling Basics in 8 Hours

The Storytelling Certificate Program